Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beyond Spiritual Myopia

One of the common eye problems is call Myopia. It means short sightedness. In short sightedness we can only see things within certain range clearly. If such conditions are severe and untreated it can endangers not only the person but it can be also be a hazard to others.

There is also a possibility for us to develop spiritual myopia. Spiritual myopia is contracted when we focus on this earthly life. Our earthly life is a given. As Christian we have a dual citizenship one that is earthly, and the other heavenly. How do we live to fulfill our obligations in these dualistic realities?

It is important for us to discharge and fulfill our social obligations but not at the expense of our spiritual obligations. There is a natural temptation to overstate the urgencies and importance of the earthly obligations. One classic example is the exaggeration on the needs of things. We have very basic needs but have a humongous appetite for wants.

Know the things we do that can affect us for the long term (Eternity). Invest into developing lasting values. What challenges and encourages us to make light or to disregard eternal values are to the treated with grave caution.

Reflect honestly on our spiritual conditions regularly. Many people have the condition of myopia but rejects corrective measure because of wanting to maintain their image. Not so with us. We stand corrected by God's Word. We need constantly to measure our lives with God's standard and not comparing with one another.

Taking effort to give and pay good attention to spiritual obligations. We need to take time and effort up to understand and to discharge our spiritual obligation. Consider it reverently and meaningfully.

Eccl 12:1-13


Anonymous said...

An excellent reminder. I have been blessed.